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Let's act & create an


Offset your carbon and plastic with us and help save the planet

Offsetting 1-ton
carbon at a time

We are a community-led climate-first organization, which is working tirelessly with local communities, civic bodies, and sustainability chasers globally to create awareness and help reduce Green House Gas emissions. We are a grass-root organization that believes that change needs to happen at grass-root levels. We are empowering hundreds of sustainability chasers like ourselves because we believe that unless all of us come together and share the common belief we won’t be able to act before it gets too late.

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Lives Impacted with our efforts
50 M+
Carbon ton offset planned
Sustainability Chasers Mobilized
How we are tackling climate change!

We develop carbon offset projects with local communities and civic bodies across the globe to help our partners achieve carbon-neutral goals. Some of our effort includes, providing efficient cooking methods, helping prevent degradation of forests, and promoting agro-forestry and regenerative farming practices.

Carbon Offset Program Developer


We realize there are many more like us who whish to offset emissions themselves. We go an extra mile to consult our partners and clients to define their carbon offset scope, analyze their current emissions, plan for reductions, and finally equip them to implement bespoke projects.

Carbon Advisory


Carbon Footprinting

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions of a product or service from its production to use and finally its end-of-life. With our proprietary frameworks, we help clients analyze their annual emissions, including direct and indirect emissions.


We work day-and-night with local organizations to collect and recycle plastic waste from water bodies, landfills, and communities. We mobilize and incentivize individuals and organizations like us to take similar efforts to save our earth from plastic pollution.

Plastic Recycling

Iconic Impact
Reduction of carbon footprint
by promoting Improved Cookstoves in rural India! 

With this initiative, we are enhancing livelihood of the rural and tribal communities in the project area by providing them with improved cook stoves, employment opportunities, and increasing awareness on both GHG emissions and biodiversity. This project helps with reduction of Household Air Pollution (HAP), which lowers health risks amongst rural and tribal households.


The project replaces traditional, high GHG emitting and low efficient stoves used in rural parts of the project area with Improved Cookstoves (ICS), which have more thermal efficiency and cause lesser air pollution.

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Tons of

offset annually






Chasers Mobilized

Solving climate change through Technology
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